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420 Tips on How to Clean a Glass Pipe

420 Tips on How to Clean a Glass Pipe

If you are vaping as you read this article, you are joining over 41 million people worldwide. The United States, United Kingdom, and France have enormous vapers amongst their respective populations. A common issue is vapers don't know how to clean a glass pipe.

Vapers know how to use clean, smokeless tobacco and vaping products, but cleaning their glass pipe is a whole other matter. There are at least 420 tips regarding how to clean your dirty bubbler.  

Instead of reading all 420 tips, the guide below will give you information on cleaning a glass pipe effectively. More importantly, you will be able to keep your glass pipe fresh and ready for the next time you want to take a hit.

How to Clean a Bowl

You may already know vaping refers to the exhaled vapor when you smoke an electronic cigarette or use a personal vaporizer. There is no burning or smoke from the combustion. Here, the winning formula is the person vaping isn't exposed to carcinogenic compounds found in your typical cigarette. 

But vaping products do contain nicotine. When you use something that holds your germs, other people's germs, or just buildup, you need to have a good and sanitary way to clean it. When it's a glass bowl, some tried and proper methods are listed below as tips.

#1 - Denture Tablets

You may laugh, but denture tablets have to take a lot off of people's dentures. So denture tablets can take many buildups, gunk, and anything else out of your bowl. All you have to do is drop the denture tablet with warm water into the bowl and let it sit and fizz.

Let the denture tablets dissolve and sit for at least fifteen minutes and then rinse the bowl out with warm water. This method tip is innovative and effective for your glass bowl cleaning needs.

#2 - Baking Soda

Anything that goes fizz works very well. Baking soda mixed with vinegar also cleans your bowl to a pristine condition. To get the best results, you do have to cover the bowl and let the baking soda sit in the vinegar for about ten-fifteen minutes. 

Again, once you rinse with the warm water, you should see a sparkling, clean, and sanitized bowl. Since there are so many uses for baking soda and vinegar, keeping it in your home and using it when needed on your bowl is easy to do.

#3 - Vodka

You did read this right. Vodka can be poured into the bowl with rubbing alcohol and Formula 420. Formula 420 is where the 420 tips come from in this article. After you mix the vodka, rubbing alcohol, and Formula 420 together, you add warm water with a little bit of kosher salt.

Swish it all around and let it sit for about an hour. Rinse with warm water, and if you still see residue, use one of your pipe cleaners to wipe the bowl down.

How to Clean a Glass Pipe

You already know how to clean the glass bowl, and once you get the hang of things, switching over to cleaning the glass pipe won't be hard at all. The three common ways to clean a glass pipe have a more detailed to-do list. They, too, can get almost as clean as the day you brought them home.

It's important to know there are different types of glass pipes styles and types for your glass pipe cleaning needs. Sometimes it depends on what type of glass pipe you use in your vaping. Many vapers like glass pipes because they give smokers a cleaner and more precise smoking sensation. 

Also, glass is easier to clean than wood or any other material used for vaping pipes in most cases. To clean, you need to be aware of what type of glass is getting cleaned.

Types of Vaping Glass Pipes

The pipes listed below are designed with simplicity in mind, while the steamroller always takes a lot of work to use and clean.

  1. Water Pipes - this glass pipe has a noble history and is the oldest of the vaping glass pipes. The water pipe has many chambers and different filtration systems. The water pipe can be a basic model or the Rolls Royce version of a water pipe.
  2. Bubblers – this is a small water pipe which bubbles. It looks like a small water pipe. The pipes are designed to cool the smoke and burning embers. The impurities stay in the bubbler vs. your lungs.  
  3. Chillums - This is bigger than the one-hitter and comes with its small bowl open at the end of the pipe. The small bowl is what makes it more difficult to cleanout.
  4. Sherlock Pipes – Just like the name reminds you –the sherlock pipes are reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes's curved pipe. These popes have a flat bottom that can look like feet. They also have a long stern. 
  5. Spoons - This glass pipe looks just like a spoon with a bowl at the top edge. There's a carburetor on the side of the bowl most of the time. The carburetor allows air to go through the pipe without any carbs. 
  6. Steamroller- the steamroller glass pipe rolls with both ends open. The pipe has an attachment or bowl close to one end. 

Many people associate their unique glass pipe with the vaping sessions and will do anything to clean and protect them.

Cleaning Glass Pipes

There may not be 420 tips on how to clean your glass pipes, but the use of Formula 420 does come in handy. You use Formula 420 in a couple of the below tips on cleaning your glass pipes. There are also other solutions and cleaning agents you can use to clean your glass pipes.

#1 - Rubbing Alcohol

When you're using rubbing alcohol, you want to wipe out the excess dirt and grime you can get out of the pipe quickly first. Then you want to fill up a sealable plastic bag with rubbing 90% isopropyl alcohol. You then want to add one tablespoon of salt.

The salt is like your exfoliating agent. It can scrub at the glass pipe while it is soaking in the solution. You want to gently place your glass pipe in it and seal it up.

Make sure you shake the pipe up for about two minutes while it's in the bag so the salt can exfoliate the grime. Then let the pipe soak for as long as it takes to get clean. The dirtier the pipe, the longer it will take to soak.

Make sure you rinse with hot water after you remove all the salt and alcohol. You can use cotton swabs if you want on the tough spots or if you need to scrub an area.

#2 - Water that's Boiling

Again, before you use your boiling water to clean your glass pipe out, make sure you wipe out the excess dirt and grime you can get to. Boil your water, what getting rid of the excess dirt. Once the boiling water is ready to go, immerse your pipe in three-four inches of water. 

Let the pipe sit for about thirty minutes, and when you take it out of the hot water, make sure you use a glove to check to see if it's clean enough. Never dump a hot glass pipe into cold water or do what every glass substance does at extreme temperature differences. The glass pipe will shatter.

Use cotton swabs to wipe down the glass pipe's water stains. You can use a bit of lemon juice mixed with clean water to do this if you want. Then let it dry naturally.

#3 - Alternatives

You can also use any unique cleaning solutions to clean your glass pipe. Formula 420 is an almost perfect fit for an alternative cleaning solution. You can also freeze your glass pipe, which allows the resin to harden and dry.

Then you can chip off all the grime and gunk easily. This is a most excellent use of an extreme temperature being used to help you clean your glass pipe. But you can't put it in hot water directly after freezing it as it will break.

Differences Between Pipes Used with Hemp and Glass Pipes

There's only a difference between hemp pipes and glass pipes if you want there to be. You can smoke almost anything, including hemp in the glass pipes. There has already been information provided, which lets you know how water Pipes, bubblers, and other implements work. All of those implements can be used for smoking purposes and cleaned like a glass bowl or pipe.

Vaporizers have been around since the 1960s. Hemp vaporizers use a coil to heat the product and turn it into a mist. Much the same way, tobacco becomes smokeless. 

The vaporizers are a healthier choice if your smoking because they get rid of the smoke. This is why people smoke their tobacco and other substances with a glass pipe. One of the downside to vaporizers is remembering to keep them charged up so you can use them when you want. 

More Questions on Glass Pipe Cleaning?

Since people began using glass pipes to smoke their tobacco and other substances, questions were asked. Reach out to us if you want to find out more ways to clean a glass pipe. Or maybe more ways to clean your glass bowl or any paraphernalia in-between. 

We offer all of the supplies you want with the most variety. We are the hands-on vaping site. We are a click away, and our smoke shop experts can answer any of your 420 questions on how to clean your glass equipment.

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