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Which Vape Juice Ingredients You Need to Avoid?

Which Vape Juice Ingredients You Need to Avoid?

Vaping is an alternative for people who are interested in quitting smoking. Vaping is considered a healthier alternative to smoking since it has fewer contaminants than cigarettes. In fact, electronic cigarettes don’t have tar, tobacco, carbon monoxide, or any other harmful substance. 

Vape juices use a liquid solution made up of four main ingredients; vegetable glycerin (VG), propylene glycol (PG), flavorings, nicotine, and water. 

As vaping goes mainstream, producers are struggling to cope with the stiff competition in the market. Many of them are inventing new products to attract new customers. But some of these products may contain harmful ingredients, which is why you need to know what to look out for. 

Here, we’ll take you through a list of the ingredients to avoid to make sure you’re getting the best Vape juice in Australia.  


Diketones are a combination of three ketones that are strictly prohibited in vape products. They are used in vape juice to give it a creamy, buttery texture. The compounds that make up this toxic compound are: 

  i) Diacetyl

This is an organic compound with formulae of CH3CO2. It has a buttery taste, and it is used in Vape juice for flavoring. It is considered to safe for human consumption, but constant Inhalation of the compound may lead to various health complications such as: 

  • Permanent lung damage 
  • Fatigue
  • Popcorn lung 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Rapid breathing and other respiratory problems

ii) Acetoin  

Acetoin is a chemical compound with formula C4H8O2. In e-cigarette, acetoin is in liquid form, which is considered harmless. Thus, most manufacturers are using it compared to the more lethal diacetyl.

iii) Acetyl Propionyl

Acetyl propionyl is used in vape juice for its flavoring ability since it produces a sweet, nutty, fruity odor. When used, it has various effects on the body. The compound causes respiratory complications, which may lead to lung damage.


This is a compound used to give vape juice its vanilla flavor. The compound is highly toxic, and regular exposure to this compound during vaping can damage the heart and impair blood vessels. The vanillin compound also reduces oxygen production in the cell, and this causes dyspnea or shortness of breath.


Nicotine is a highly toxic and highly addictive substance used in e-cigarette and has severe body effects when taken in large doses. The fatal dosage for an adult is 40 to 60 mg. Nicotine is rapidly absorbed through the skin and by Inhalation. 

In the body, nicotine causes an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and interferes with blood flow to the heart by shrinking the arteries. Nicotine in the bloodstream also hardens the arteries, which can cause a heart attack. The compound also stays in the bloodstream for long hours, just like any other addictive substance. 

Which Vape Juice Ingredients You Need to Avoid?


Even though caffeine is one of the most popular ingredients in making e-juice, inhalation of caffeine is not suitable for your health. This is because caffeine does not pass through the digestive system- it's absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Because of this factor, you cannot control the amount of caffeine your body absorbs when using e-juice with caffeine. Excess caffeine in the body may lead to increased heart rate, seizures, and loss of consciousness since caffeine affects the nervous system.

Titanium Dioxide

During vaping, titanium dioxide emits nano-particles that can lead to oxidative stress. In the long term, titanium can lead to severe gene mutation, cell damage, and inflammation in the body. When inhaled in large quantities, the titanium particles go to the brain and lungs, causing respiratory problems and neurological damages. Titanium dioxide is also carcinogenic and exposes your body to cancer and other health complications.

Fragrance and Oils

When choosing your vape juice, always avoid products that have high oil content. This is because the inhaling of oil is harmful to your lungs and causes chronic lung illness.

Which Vape Juice Ingredients You Need to Avoid?


It's one of the most preferred flavors' used in vape juice, and this is because it gives the user a soothing, cooling effect. Users need it because of its comforting nature, especially during long vaping hours. But the chemicals used to make this menthol flavor are dangerous to the epithelial cell and increases the chances of denaturing body cells. Prolonged usage of menthol-flavored juice causes bronchial cell damage.


It contains a chemical known as coumarin, which harms the body when consumed in large quantities. The presence of propylene glycerol and vanillin makes it unsafe for people who regularly use e-liquids. Juice made from cinnamon tends to be volatile and impairs the human cells resulting in various health issues.

Which Vape Juice Ingredients You Need to Avoid?


Vaping can be an enjoyable experience when using a high-quality product. Always ensure that you read the label thoroughly to check if the above ingredients are present to avoid them. To be safe, avoid brands that do not indicate their ingredients due to the potential health risk they may cause. 

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